Friday, May 2, 2014

Karate Shinsa Results - April 2014

Congratulations to the following youth karate students, who tested for rank in April 2014:

Eliza Spyropoulos - 8th kyu orange belt
Alec Browne - 8th kyu orange belt
Matthew Deserio - 8th kyu orange belt
Anna Vukelj - 8th kyu orange belt

Gavin Tucker - 7th kyu yellow belt
Dylan Camley - 7th kyu yellow belt
Seth Kissel - 7th kyu yellow belt

Allison Scheidt - 6th kyu blue belt
Nick Grippo - 6th kyu blue belt
Genna Candido - 6th kyu blue belt

Maysea McShane - 4th kyu purple belt

Diego Vasquez - 3rd kyu brown belt

Rhianna Candido - 2nd kyu brown belt

Kelby Dath - Shodan-ho junior black belt
Kevin McMullen - Shodan-ho junior black belt

Abigail Lowder - Shodan-ho junior black belt 2nd level

and congratulations to Douglas Sankar, who tested for the rank of 4th kyu purple belt in adult karate on May 2nd 2014.


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