Sunday, May 15, 2011

Karate Rank Advancement - May 2011

Congratulations to the following youth karate students, who advanced in rank on May 15th 2011:

Richard Cedeno - 8th kyu orange belt
Isabella Knazik - 8th kyu orange belt

Mark Dokaj - 7th kyu yellow belt

Marc Leveille - 6th kyu blue belt
Kevin McMullen - 6th kyu blue belt

Keith Weed - 1st kyu brown belt

. . .and to the following adult karate students, who also advanced in rank that day:

Gjyste Gjokaj - 7th kyu yellow belt
Lynne Ward - 7th kyu yellow belt

Violet Gjokaj - 6th kyu blue belt
Patrick Tiangco - 6th kyu blue belt
Kole Dokaj - 6th kyu blue belt

Don Emery - 5th kyu green belt
Kathy Jack - 5th kyu green belt
Noah Matalon - 5th kyu green belt

Mai Tran - 4th kyu purple belt

Omedetou gozaimasu!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ju Jitsu Rank Advancement - May 2011

Congratulations to Mai Tran, who tested for the rank of 2nd kyu brown belt in ju jitsu on May 14th 2011.


Lil' Dragons Karate Rank Advancement - May 2011

Congratulations to the following Lil' Dragons karate students, who advanced in rank on May 14th 2011:

Aiden South - orange stripe
Dylan O'Leary - orange stripe

Victor Vercase - blue stripe
Michael Martorano - blue stripe
Noah Angelico - blue stripe
Alex Enea - blue stripe

Jacob Solomon - purple stripe
Justin Velez - purple stripe

Maya Leveille - brown stripe

Diego Vasquez - orange belt

Daniel DeChristopher - double yellow stripe

Omedetou - congrats to all!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Congratulations to Sensei Noah

Sensei Noah passed his test for the rank of Shodan in Batto-do, one of the styles of iaido in which he trains, on May 7th 2011.

Omedetou gozaimasu, Sensei!