Saturday, February 11, 2012

MARCH 2012 is Try a Free Art Month at MSB

March 2012 is "Try a Free Art Month" at Mountain Stream Budo!

All students who are currently enrolled at MSB are eligible to train for free in a second or third art of their choice during the month of March.

Alternately, students who choose not to try a second art are welcome to invite a family member to train for free in any one art.

Please remember that the minimum age requirement for kobudo is 8, and for jujitsu is 15.

Please e-mail Sensei with any questions, and we hope to see all of you take advantage and check out a new art next month!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Jujitsu Rank Advancement - February 2012

Congratulations to Vincent Menniti, who tested for the rank of 5th kyu yellow belt in jujitsu on February 4th 2012.
