Sunday, May 18, 2008

Karate & Kobudo Kyu Rank Changes

In order to endeavor to achieve a level of synchronicity between our youth & adult karate kyu ranks, we are changing the adult 6th and 5th kyu belt colors from green (with one stripe) and green (with two stripes) to solid blue and solid green.

The order of the kobudo 6th - 4th kyu rank colors will also be changed, from purple, green, and green/black to green, green/black, and purple. This will put our kobudo system more in synch with our karate kyu system, as well as the kobudo kyu level system of our sister school in Michigan, Golden Dragon Martial Arts.

These changes will take effect immediately; however, students who already have 6th/5th kyu belts in karate or 6th/5th/4th kyu belts in kobudo will keep their belts until their next test, at which time they will roll over into the new colors.

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